Leading position in the Nordic region
Alligo operates on three Nordic main markets: Sweden, Norway and Finland. The focus is on corporate customers within eight defined industry segments, which together provide a broad market.
The three main markets of Sweden, Norway and Finland generate total revenue of approximately MDSEK 60 per year within Alligo’s product categories. Customers are a mix of small and medium-sized enterprises, large industrial companies and the public sector.

Balanced customer mix creates stable market conditions
Alligo’s balanced mix of corporate customers in different sizes and industry segments in three countries dampens the effect of economic fluctuations:
- Large companies often display strong growth during economic upturns, resulting in major increases in volumes.
- Small and medium-sized enterprises are more resilient during economic downturns compared with larger industrial companies.
Alligo’s main competitors are chains that focus on industry and construction, as well as independent local operators. Some of the larger chains are established on all of Alligo’s markets, while others have a more limited geographic presence.