Share Information
Market listing
Alligo’s shares are traded under the short name ALLIGO B. The company was introduced on Nasdaq Stockholm’s main market (Mid Cap) on 21 June, 2017 under the name Momentum Group, but changed name to Alligo AB at 15 December, 2021.
Share structure
The total number of shares outstanding is 50,906,189, of which 562,293 are Class A shares and 50,343,896 Class B shares. The Company currently holds 838,551 Class B shares in treasury.
All shares carry equal rights to participation in the assets and earnings of Momentum Group. The company’s class A shares entitle the holder to ten (10) votes each and class B shares to one (1) vote each. The share conversion clause in the company’s Articles of Association allows for the conversion of class A shares to class B shares. The total number of votes in the company amounts to 55,966,826.