Our approach to sustainability

Our approach to sustainability

Alligo’s sustainability work is based on the sustainability issues that are most material in terms of the impact of the business on the economy, environment, and people. By incorporating these issues as an integral part of its strategy and business planning, Alligo contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Alligo supports Agenda 2030 and aims to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Alligo affects all the global goals either directly or indirectly through our value chain. The goals where we have the greatest impact and can make the greatest difference are linked to the Group’s material sustainability issues.

Decent work and economic growth

Responsible consumption and production

Climate Action

Alligo supports Global Compact

Alligo is a participant of the UN Global Compact initiative. The aim of the initiative is to get companies to take responsibility for the ten principles in areas such as human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption.

Double materiality method in accordance with CSRD

In 2024, Alligo will complete the analysis of material sustainability issues using the double materiality method in accordance with the requirements of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
