Sustainability governance

Sustainability governance

Sustainability integrated into operations

Sustainability must permeate all of Alligo’s operations. Sustainability issues are an integral part of the Group’s corporate governance, where the Board of Directors, management and employees all have their clear roles.

Sustainability governance is targeted and aims to ensure that the business is run in the most responsible and effective way possible.

Internal governance – organisation and responsibilities

The strategic sustainability work is governed by the Group management, with the Head of Business Development and Sustainability having overall responsibility. The operational work is managed and coordinated by the Group’s Sustainability and Quality department.

The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for and follows up on the sustainability work through the reporting of the Group management.

Governing documents and principles

Alligo participates in the UN Global Compact. This initiative aims to encourage companies to take responsibility for ten basic principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Code of Conduct

The Group’s Code of Conduct is central to the governance of sustainability work. The code is based on: Alligo’s values and international conventions declarations such as:

  • the UN Global Compact
  • the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,
  • the ILO’s fundamental conventions
  • the Children’s Rights and Business Principles.

The Code applies to all employees, members of the Board of Directors and temporarily contracted employees and it describes the responsibilities that we have in relation to issues such as human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

We also require our business partners – including suppliers, subcontractors and other external parties – to comply with all the relevant sections of the Code by accepting the requirements of our Supplier Code of Conduct.


Alligo’s corporate culture is characterised by respect for regulations and sound practices. We maintain this culture through continuous employee training. The Group works continuously to identify and implement new and updated legislation within occupational health and safety, environment, fire safety and other areas that are relevant to the business.

Systematic working method

The Group’s management system and intranet are important channels for communicating internal rules and working methods and making governing documents readily available to all employees.

Alligo’s process-oriented management system aims to govern, monitor and develop its work on quality, environmental and occupational health and safety issues and systematically produce continuous improvements.

Targeted sustainability work

Sustainability is an integral part of Alligo’s strategy, and the Group has adopted several general sustainability targets.

Based on Alligo’s overall strategy and priorities, each management group function has set targets, key figures and priorities that govern the work to achieve the overall sustainability targets.