Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance

Alligo’s corporate governance aims to ensure that the business creates long-term sustainable value for shareholders and other stakeholders. High standards of openness, reliability and ethical values are guiding principles for Alligo’s business.

Alligo is a Swedish public limited company listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Alligo’s corporate governance is based on the Swedish Annual Accounts Act, the Swedish Companies Act, NASDAQ Stockholm’s regulations for issuers, the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance, and other applicable legislation and regulations.

Alligo’s corporate bodies comprise the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, the President & CEO, and the auditors. At the Annual General Meeting the shareholders elect a Board of Directors and its chairman. The Board of Directors appoints a President and Executive Vice Presidents. The Annual General Meeting commissions the auditors to examine the financial statements and the management of the Board of Directors and the President during the financial year.

Corporate Governance Reports

Here you can find Alligo’s Corporate Governance Reports.

Annual General Meeting 2023

The 2023 Annual General Meeting in Alligo was held on Wednesday, 24 May 2023 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Board of directors

Alligo’s board consists of six members, including the chairman and one staff representative.

Group management

Alligo’s management consists of 10 members, lead by Clein Johansson Ullenvik, President & CEO.