Meet the Supplier Standard
More than 95 percent shall meet Alligo’s Supplier Standard2, measured as a proportion of the total purchase value from suppliers to the standard assortment.
The sustainability targets are based on Alligo’s vision and material sustainability issues and are designed to make Alligo a leader in sustainable development in our industry. The targets were adopted during the first quarter of 2022.
More than 95 percent shall meet Alligo’s Supplier Standard2, measured as a proportion of the total purchase value from suppliers to the standard assortment.
In 2023, an increased proportion of suppliers have met Alligo’s Supplier Standard, which includes contracts, accepted Supplier Code of Conduct with associated chemical restriction lists and supplier self-assessment linked to the requirements of the Alligo Code of Conduct.
Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) shall amount to more than 75.
The method for measuring customer satisfaction is being revised. Results for 2023 can therefore not be reported and a new target will be set according to the new measurement method.
Sickness absence shall be less than 5 per cent of total scheduled hours.
An extensive change management and the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on sickness absence in 2020-2021. These factors also affected sickness absence in 2022, but to a lesser extent. In 2023, sickness absence decreased further, driven by developments in Norway and Finland.
The proportion of female managers shall be more than 30 per cent.
The proportion of female managers increased in 2023, driven by developments in Sweden. This is the result of a determined effort to seek both female and male final candidates in the recruitment processes.
The climate-impacting emissions shall be reduced.
In December 2023, Alligo joined the Science Based Targets initiative. By the end of 2025, the Group shall establish targets for reducing climate impact.