
“We’re taking responsibility for the green transformation”

Text: Peter Willebrand
Foto: Daniela Spiroska & Jann Lipka
May 10, 2023

Today, sustainability affects the whole society, and therefore the whole of Alligo as well. Today, working with sustainability is as common as digitization. "A huge amount has happened in just the last few years."

3 steps towards a sustainable future

The focus of Alligo’s sustainability work is on three areas:

  1. Alligo works towards having sustainable operations. We support the global goals and work purposefully towards becoming a more sustainable company.
  2. Alligo’s customers can feel secure with what they buy from us. We sell safe products with professional quality that are purchased and produced sustainably.
  3. We help customers to be more sustainable. We are constantly working towards making our range more sustainable and can help customers choose sustainable alternatives

“We are taking responsibility in the transition to a more sustainable society. It is integrated into all operations and itt’s not just about Alligo’s own impact,” says Susanna Fink, Head of Sustainability and Quality at Alligo.

Sustainability is part of everything from personal meetings with customers in stores, to conversations with suppliers, to individual items in financial report.

“Sustainability is no longer something that is interest-driven or referred to a certain department or person in the company. A huge amount has happened in just the last few years. Not least since the financial industry has increased its focus on sustainability issues. In general, understanding has increased, as we are now experiencing major changes in the outside world.”

Alligo’s CFO Irene Wisenborn Bellander agrees: “In the future, Alligo’s work with sustainability must be harmonized and reported with all other financial information. This means both increased reporting and more governance and control with regards to non-financial targets.”

Both Fink and Wisenborn Bellander revert back to the complexity surrounding such a big topic like sustainability. Among the keys to success are training and communication, both internally and externally. You have to reach out to employees, customers and suppliers at all levels. Sustainability must be broken down into facts and key figures. To something that is comprehensible to everyone. It must be part of daily work.

Susanna Fink, Head of Sustainability and Quality at Alligo

Irene Wisenborn Bellander compares the transition with digitization, which all industries have embraced in recent decades.

“It fundamentally changed our everyday lives. Today we no longer think of it as something new.”

Alligo’s vision is to be the industry leader when it comes to sustainability. This must take place in close dialogue and cooperation with suppliers, employees and customers.

“At the same time, we must constantly develop our sustainability work upstream in the value chain, where we can have the most influence,” says Susanna Fink.

In the future, Alligo’s work with sustainability must be harmonized and reported with all other financial information. This means both increased reporting and more governance and control with regards to non-financial targets.

Irene Wisenborn Bellander, CFO of Alligo

Press release